9/11 Remembrance at Town Green:
In observation of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, flags will be placed on the Town Green. Approximately 3,000 flags will be placed, signifying one flag for each life lost that day. Town residents and any member of the public are invited to join us to help with this special event.
You are invited to meet at the Town Green on Wednesday, September 11 at 8:30 AM. After a brief ceremony and instructions from Town staff, the bell will sound at First Parish Church to signify the first moment of the attacks and thus the moment that we will begin placing the flags.
In observation of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, flags will be placed on the Town Green. Approximately 3,000 flags will be placed, signifying one flag for each life lost that day. Town residents and any member of the public are invited to join us to help with this special event.
You are invited to meet at the Town Green on Wednesday, September 11 at 8:30 AM. After a brief ceremony and instructions from Town staff, the bell will sound at First Parish Church to signify the first moment of the attacks and thus the moment that we will begin placing the flags.