With the holidays behind us and a fresh new year ahead of us, we will have a month of informative and interactive meetings outside the Weston Golf Club.  Please feel free to join us anytime for any event.  Registration is strongly encouraged to allow the hospitality team to plan for food and supplies.
Thursday,  January 9th - Bring your smartphone and learn tricks and tips on taking awesome pictures from your phone.  Have a cellphone with a fancy built-in camera but don’t know how to use it?  Want to take better photos on your travels or at family get-togethers?  This night is for you!  We will start with a brief series of tips that Rotary Member Warren Green teaches in his Columbia School of Journalism photography class. 
Location: Warren Green's office, 117 Kendrick Street, Ste 300, Needham, MA
Time: 6:00-7:30 pm
Cost: around $20 for food and supplies
Thursday, January 16th - Dinner Meeting with Wayland Police Chief Ed Burman. Come and hear about the amazing initiatives the WPD is involved in and how they are reaching out to our communities.
Location: Wayland Police Department, 38 Cochituate Rd, Wayland, MAWayland Police Department
Time: 6:00 pm-7:30 pm
Cost: around $20 for food and supplies
Thursday, January 23rd, Dinner Meeting and speaker, Rotarian Father Parker, discussing books he has published.
Location: Weston Public Library
Time: 6:30-7:30 pm
Cost: around $20 for food and supplies
Thursday, January 30th - Speaker Dr. Barry Taylor, Naturopathic Physician, will talk about AGING GRACEFULLY with ENERGY!  Science now tells us “life style” factors called “epigenetics” have dominating influence on aging and longevity. Let’s get super clear on those factors that, no matter what our age, have profound effects on how we age.  We will review the “TOP TIPS” for us to consider learning more about the influence of aging gracefully. 
Location: Weston Public Library, Community Room
Time: 6:15-7:45 pm
Cost: FREE; light refreshments will be served
We hope to see you at any or all of these meetings!  We will return to our regular meetings at the Weston Golf Club on Thursday, February 6th.  