About this video: Click play to watch the video presentation for first graders (and their parents) in Weston and Wayland elementary schools the week of April 24-28.
Note to Parents: We'd love to receive pictures by email to president@westonwaylandrotary.com or to our Facebook page, facebook.com/westonwaylandrotary.
In 2018, Ian Riseley, Rotary International President, declared "The Year of the Tree" and challenged the 1.2 million worldwide membership of Rotary to plant a tree for each club member on Earth Day. The Weston-Wayland Rotary Club embraced this challenge and expanded the program to include distributing Green Giant Arbor Vitae to first graders in Weston.
The project was so well-received, and so much fun for our Club members, that we have made it an annual activity for our club and expanded the distribution to all first graders in both Weston and Wayland. In 2020, when Covid disrupted the school year we canceled our distribution. However, in 2021, when schools were back we doubled our order to 800 seedlings so we could catch up and get seedlings to both first and second graders. In 2023, we will distribute 500 seedlings in our community and bring our total distribution to 2400 seedlings since the program started. This year's shipment arrived yesterday and was unpacked by Club Members to prepare for distribution.